A Bangladesh origin IS militant leader killed in Syria
A Bangladesh origin militant of the Islamic State has been killed
in an airstrike in Syria in December, according to the US-led coalition.Top
spokesperson for the coalition Col Steve Warren listed names of 10 Islamic
State leaders killed by airstrikes, reports the Washington Post.
Face book only opened, the rest are remained closed in Bangladesh
// Shamsul Basunia//
Bangladesh government unblocks face book after remain closed
22 days for
security reasons. The
young people became happy again
to have the new
technology to communicate
the near and dear ones including the
near and remotest residing friends
across the globe. Especially
the school and college
going pupils’ thrill
no bounds.
Although the government on Thursday lifted its restriction on
social network site
Facebook after 22 days, it has remained
watchful on other
social networking sites including
Viber and WhatsApp for
security concerns.
Officials said the government is unlikely to unblock
the rest of social
network sites shortly. “The
apps have been kept blocked as all of them
cannot be monitored or
The government will take decision over unblocking the social
media platforms at a
later time, considering security
situation,” home minister Asaduzzaman Khan
Kamal told the journalists
on Thursday evening.
State minister for posts and telecommunications Tarana Halim
echoed the home
minister. “Other apps will be
unblocked only when there will
be no security
State minister for information and communication technology
State minister for information and communication technology
division Zunaid Ahmed Palak confirmed this to newsmen.
On 18 November, the government closed operations
of several social network services, including
Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, Messenger,
Line, Tango, and Hangouts, in the
country on security grounds.
Chinese President extends his cooperation to least developed countries
president pledges support for African independent development
Chennai flood situation worsening
floods: 18 patients die after blackout halts hospital ventilators
Humans want immediate stopping the climate change
conference and what people across the
globe desire on climate change
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4_XSSPFtf0&list=PL1ocrdYsASGCwzoYftiulKrfjxpHilBRwRains flodding Chennai pushing the people in miserable condition
airport flooded, army out for relief as rains pound Tamil Nadu
World leaders failed to reach to one point how to tackle the adverse effect of climate change
Change Conference in Paris enters crucial stage of technical discussions
Published on Dec 1, 2015
Change Conference in Paris now enters crucial stage of technical
discussions on issues like energy, transport, and agriculture in
relation to global warming. Ten more days to go before the conference
ends and as KTN’s special correspondent Alex Chamwada reports president
Uhuru Kenyatta says trade and climate change are closely linked and the
world should take opportunity of the forthcoming WTO ministerial meeting
in Nairobi to discuss that linkage.
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Climate change conference in Paris kicks off
Paris conference on climate change starts; leaders are
Female child missing incident is gradually increasing in India
Female child missing is on
rise alarmingly in Jharkhand in India; Gumla is one of five districts that form
the Jharkhand belt along with Khunti, Simdega, Lohardaga and Latehar. This belt
supplies domestic help to thousands of homes in Delhi and satellite towns such
as Noida, Gurgaon and Faridabad
Russian air, naval and land forces carried operation against ISIS members
Bogra Shia mosque shooting kills Muazzin
Shia mosque shooting kills Muazzin while the devotees were engaged in praying in congregation on Thursday morning...............
State of Emergency in Tunisia
State of
emergency declared in Tunisia, troops guarding the government installations
Two war criminal masterminds hanged for killing people in Bangladesh; Pakistan’s sharp reaction
// Shamsul Basunia //
BNP leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury and
Secretary General Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid
have been hanged for the horrific crimes against
humanity they committed in 1971 to thwart
the independence of Bangladesh.
At this execution to verdict, voicing concern and
anguish- Pakistan
said that there is a need for reconciliation in
Bangladesh in
accordance with the spirit of Pakistan, India, and
Bangladesh Agreement of
April 9, 1974.
This statement angered the Bangladesh government
and summoned Pakistan envoy on Monday to
lodge formal protest as Pakistan expressed
‘anguish’ over execution of war criminals
Two politicians.
Earlier, Dhaka Central Jail Superintendent Jahangir
confirmed that the two were executed at the same
time at 12:55am on Sunday.
With Sunday’s execution, Bangladesh has hanged four
war crimes convicts so far.Jamaat leader Abdul
Quader Molla was the first to walk the
gallows in December 2013 while
another leader of the same party
Mohammad Kamaruzzaman
was executed in April
this year.
Chowdhury, 67, and Mujahid, 68, were executed
after their petitions for presidential
clemency was turned down
earlier on Saturday.
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court scrapped their
petitions for a review of their
death sentences.
In this way,Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina honored
her pre-poll commitment given to the
people by executing the capital
punishment handed down by
the country's Apex Court
against two top
war criminals.
Popular Upsurge popularly known as
“Ganajagaran Manch” spokesperson
Imran H Sarker says the execution
of death penalty of war criminals
Salauddin Quader Chowdhury
and Ali Ahsan Mohammad
Mojaheed has established
justice and rules of law
in the country.
Bangladesh executes two opposition leaders for 1971
war crimes
Propaganda started against Muslims in Europe
Muslims,a misunderstood nation; somebody tries to push them to astray
In Africa, some Christian alleged that Muslim pirates sold more than one
million Europeans as slaves
Europe's Muslims feel heat of backlash after Paris terror attack
// Shamsul Basunia //
Firebombs and pig heads thrown into mosques. Veiled women
subjected to insults in the street. The internet awash
with threats against Muslims. Europe's Muslims
are feeling the heat of a fierce backlash
following last week's terror attack
against French satirical
newspaper Charlie
An official who keeps track of Islamophobic attacks
An official who keeps track of Islamophobic attacks
in France said there were 60 incidents
— attacks and threats — in the
six days since
that attack.
A climate of fear is taking hold in Europe, stoked
A climate of fear is taking hold in Europe, stoked
by rightist rhetoric equating the millions
of peaceful Muslims with the few
plotting murder
and mayhem.
Abdallah Zekri, head of the National Observatory
Abdallah Zekri, head of the National Observatory
Against Islamophobia, said that since
last Wednesday's massacre at
Charlie Hebdo, 26 places
of worship around France
were attacked by
firebombs, gunshots
or pig heads,
with a mosque in
Le Mans hit with
four grenades.
There were 34
insults and
153 dead, 200 injured in terrorist attacks in Paris State of emergency declared in France
// Shamsul Basunia //
Gunmen and bombers attacked restaurants, a concert hall
and a sports stadium at locations across Paris
on Friday, killing at least 153 people,
injuring about 200.
More than 200 were injured, including 80
seriously, a source close to the
investigation said. President
Francois Hollande called
state of emergency in
France following
the unprecedented
terrorist attack.
A Paris city hall official said gunmen systematically
slaughtered nearly 100 people attending
a rock concert at the Bata clan music
hall. Anti-terrorist commandos
eventually launched an
assault on the building,
killed the gunmen
and rescued
dozens of
Assad’s downfall is imminent
Shamsul Basunia //
sitting power lord could able to stay in power using his or her muscle keeping
aside the popular support of the mass people.
Assad governs less than
third of the country, and has a small army and security
apparatus. More than 12 million Syrians have
been displaced, while five million
have fled the country.
is nothing left of the elements of a state.
Assad stays among tombs, as he
confronts thousands of rebels.
On the practical level, as
a ruler he exists only in
the statements
his allies.
One in four adults and one in ten children are likely to have a mental health challenged in Bangladesh
Shamsul Basunia
On October 10 has been marked as World
Mental Health Day in Dhaka, capital city of Bangladesh with befitting manner
and festive mood. To help mark the occasion, people of all sorts raising
awareness of what can be done to ensure that people with mental health problems
can live with dignity. One in four adults and one in ten children are likely to have a mental
health challenged that impacts on the lives of tens
of millions of people in Bangladesh, and can affect their ability to sustain
relationships, work, or just get through the day.
Two foreigners killed in Bangladesh, Australia and South African cricket teams canceled Dhaka tours; diplomats asked to provide security
By Shamsul Basunia
Two foreign nationals one from Italy and other from Japan were mercilessly murdered in Bangladesh within a week at a little span of gap of two days only. The law enforcers seriously failed to protect them and searched out the clue of the killings. These two incidents overnight changed the foreign people’s impression over the positive Bangladesh and they began to curtail their size of populace in Dhaka and outside the capital. All the diplomats residing in Bangladesh got frightened and they immediately demand to the host country’s government to act meaningfully, however the government could not able to find out a satisfactorical solution.
Incompetence of Saudi authorities lead the disastrous catastrophe
by Shamsul Basunia
Saudi authorities have been criticized after their utter negligence to take care the pilgrims. This negligence brought Thursday’s deadliest stampede during the hajj ritual of stoning devils at the tent city of Mina. Iran’s Supreme National Security Council accused the incompetence of Saudi authorities saying they have no right to serve the Muslim Ummah. Iran urged them to take responsibility for the deaths.
Saudi authorities have been criticized after their utter negligence to take care the pilgrims. This negligence brought Thursday’s deadliest stampede during the hajj ritual of stoning devils at the tent city of Mina. Iran’s Supreme National Security Council accused the incompetence of Saudi authorities saying they have no right to serve the Muslim Ummah. Iran urged them to take responsibility for the deaths.
None benefited from Yemen civil war by patronizing the parties, general people suffering goes beyond control
By Shamsul Basunia
Houthis started to make abduct political
opponents in Yemen. Mohammed Qahtan, the 57-year-old leader of the Islah party
was arrested on April 4, and his family has not been informed about where he is
being held or on what grounds, he is being detained
Finally, Iran, Saudi Arabia does not achieve profits from the
civil war in Yemen. Both the countries intended to draw international attention
but failed to do the same as no country responded to their clarion call. Only
the warmongers USA and Russia began to sell weapons to the warring parties
exist in the country.
Assam and surrounding Indian state's stability threatened
By Shamsul Basunia
Indian government is mulling the arrangement of polls for early next
year in this region amidst the threat of large scale insurgencies by the
United Liberation Front of Assam - ULFA and its associates among the
CPI (Maoist) left leaning political parties that exist in the state very
Maoist cadres’ numbers were only around 300, now, how many nobody
knows. Neighbouring Arunachal, Nagaland, Meghalaya and the sovereign
country of Bangladesh are encouraging these fronts.
protagonists are engaged in seeking all sorts of support. Bangladeshi
people once were and still are soft on them, they think and express
their memory that previously the Bangladeshi peoples needed support from
the Assamese, in the period of the liberation war that was staged in
1971. Thus this link of today.
Home Affairs minister for the first time formally declared Assam as a
Maoist-hit state. Insurgencies are predominant there. However, why are
people of the state witnessing such painful scenarios every day? These
are agro-based states in the India. However, minerals are another
salient feature. Agriculture is dominant though over other elements.
State Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi noted that the Maoist movement is
still at its embryonic stage, but could soon emerge as a potent threat
to peace, security and stability. The adjoining areas in Arunachal
Pradesh, were established with some co-operation of the left-wing
insurgency-rife states of Odessa and Jharkhand.
Minister of Tripura Manik Sarkar says, the insurgency has not been
uprooted yet, despite all out efforts. Militants are still on the
operational mode in interior places of the state. Few months earlier, a
treaty was signed between central government and the insurgents residing
in the state.
Border Security Forces along with other forces like Tripura State
Rifles, and Tripura Police are jointly performing their duties to keep
peace in the state but in most of the cases, without success.
Sociologists opine that the budget that the centre sanctioned for the
state is adequate. That pains the people of this state. They are not
able to compete in the pace of development as other developed states
like, Uttarpradesh, Gujrat, Madyapradesh, Kerala, Karnataka etc.
is one of the seven states of North East India, which are also called
the ‘seven sisters’, surrounded by four countries, viz. China, Myanmar,
Bangladesh and Bhutan. These states are connected with mainland India
through a 22km wide corridor at Siliguri, called the ‘chicken’s
neck’.The people of Nagaland, like the rest of the North East states,
belong to the Indo-Mongoloid group and speak the Tibeto-Burman dialects.
Traditionally, the people followed animistic religions until their
recent rapid conversion to Christianity. Nagaland was carved out of
‘greater Assam’ in 1963.
Tuensang Tract was also included in Nagaland, which was a part of North
Eastern Frontier Area at that time. Naga people were deprived of any
development works, suffered in employment opportunities, becasue of
poverty, maltreatment and uncaring political hegemony that made them
unruly and furious and sometimes pushed them to resort to armed
struggle. Narendra Modi government has signed a peace treaty recently
but the development package is yet to follow and that makes them once
again aggrieved .
is a state which identifies as a next-door neighbour to Myanmar, Bhutan
and Bangladesh. As New Delhi is far from the state, it demands its
sovereignty because the people of this state see they are deprived of
all modern amenities and facilities that are being enjoying in the rest
of the country. Over the course of time, the protesting people formed
Bodo Liberation Tigers and began to fight against the armed forces to
liberate themselves. All Students Union joined with their struggle and
at one stage matters went beyond the control of the central government.
no other way, the government established ties with the insurgents
eventually but there has been no development. People are collectuively
groaning amidst torture, and misrule.
is a North East Indian state that lies at the doorstep of Bangladesh.
China is very near to the state and the insurgents take opportunity to
bring in weapons from that country as the Untied Liberation Front of
Assam - ULFA - in Assam did and does. Social injustice, economical
deprivation and political hegemony make the state restless. State and
central government take very little care and this makes the majority of
people aggrieved, yet again.
initiatives do not make them happy. The state supplies coal and other
natural resources to the whole country but the people get nothing that
they aspire to. The youthful forces, along with the support of
Chittagong Hill Tracts insurgents, make them stronger. This strength
mounted more and more plus the Assamese began to help them to fight
against government forces. Now the government is striving to pacify the
insurgency but pragmatic strategy by the Indian government has not
Minister Narendra Modi’s high-level Task Force on the Northeast wants
the army to be pulled out of counter-insurgency duties in Manipur and
Nagaland, and re-deployed east to guard the porous border with Myanmar.
Like the other members of the seven sisters, Manipur is replete with
in-demand natural resources but the people of this state do not in-full
get their rights and privileges as other Indian states enjoy.
and humanity itself speaks loudly for the provision of this state its
full due of shares and rights that they need to enjoy life. However, the
central government fails to serve the people of this state. No
neighbouring country has time to ignite other’s insurgencies, as they
are busy with their own domestic needs and problems.
20-year long insurgency in Mizoram led by the Mizo National Front was
resolved as far back as in 1986, and the State has, since, been at peace
in terms of that stream of insurgency. Nevertheless, the ethnic
polarization and tensions provoked by the MNF insurgency continue to
trigger occasional violence linked to a range of other armed groups,
some of them located in and operating from neighboring states.
February 2, 2015, armed militants suspected to be from National
Liberation Front of Tripura and Bodo Democratic Front of Mizoram
abducted 22 people from an area close to the Indo-Bangladesh border in
Mamit District of Mizoram.
disclosed that around 10 militants armed with sophisticated weapons
later released 20 of them, while holding back two hostages - Hokum Singh
and Mohammad Buizul Islam. The hostages are employees of the Border
Roads Task Force. On February 1, 2015, the Mizoram Police and Assam
Rifles, in a joint operation, arrested two arms dealers from Vanzau
village in Champhai District near the Indo-Myanmar border. These
incidence are unceasing.
has come to light in recent days is the effect of a decision of the
central government to allow Hindu refugees from Bangladesh into Assam,
and the locals in these states are worried about getting swamped, and
see this as a move to alter the demographics with next years election in
the situation already tense due to non-application of minority rights,
and an over-reaching New Delhi political stretch the Modi government
needs to pay special attention to what is happening in Assam and bring
the Assamese into the dialogue when making policies.
Stop forced disappearances, save the humans believe in your faith or not
With a call on the government to ratify the convention for saving people from forced disappearance, rights and socio-political organizations are being observed today the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances in Bangladesh and elsewhere in the world.
Amid the growing number of reports concerning harassment, ill-treatment and intimidation of witnesses of disappearances or relatives of persons who have disappeared, The UN General Assembly adopted the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, and decided to declare August 30 the International Day to be observed beginning in 2011.
Since then, rights groups in Bangladesh have been observing the day campaigning for ratification of the international convention as over 200 people, mostly having political backgrounds, disappeared in last seven years.
The government, however, denied that incident of enforced disappearance were taking place in the country. Minister for home affairs Asaduzzaman Khan declined comment when asked why the government seemed unwilling to ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance adopted by the United Nations if it was truly against enforced disappearance.
To mark the day, the Moulik Odhikar Surakkha Committee, a platform of citizens campaigning for upholding human rights, held a conference at the National Press Club. A number of families of the victims of enforced disappearance also joined the day-long conference titled ’Appeal of relatives: no more enforced disappearance, killing and abduction.
The Asian Legal Resource Centre in an emailed statement said justice had not been done to the victims of enforced disappearance in Bangladesh. ‘The families of victims of enforced disappearance are being denied access to the complaint mechanism whenever allegations are brought against the agents of the state,’ it said, adding, ‘The police refuse to register such complaints.’
The ALRC urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to hold Bangladesh accountable before the international community for its failure to provide remedies to victims and families of victims of enforced disappearance. Rights organization Odhikar stated that 150 people, mostly from political backgrounds, fell victim to enforced disappearance between January 2009 and August 2014.
Price of onion goes beyond reach in Dhaka's kitchen market
Though adequate reserves, supply is normal, onion price is rising unabated in the capital’s kitchen market. The price of this commodity increased by taka 30 a kg within a week. Rise of retail markets in the capital on Wednesday reached from 85 to 90 taka per kilogram . And imported onions are sold at 85 to 75 on the basis of its standard. A week ago, which was 55 to 60 taka respectively. Marketing agency of the Government Trading Corporation of Bangladesh TCB has been depicted as the price rises.
According to sources, a portion of onion is imported from India. But the market has the effect of increasing export prices of onion. However, it is being sold on the market now that the imported onion. Not only is the house last April, local onion. The local onion crop was good enough reserves. So at this moment there is no logical reason for the rise in onion price.
Another source said, importers reduced importing onion from India as the country increased the price of onion there. As a result, domestic demand of onion is on rise and the price is rising.
India's onion production is low this year due to adverse weather conditions, which can discourage onion exports increased onion’s export price. On Saturday, a minimum export price of onion per ton increased from $ 700 to $ 425 for ton. Earlier on June 6 , export price was increased to $ 425 from $ 75.
Ministry of Commerce forecast the sale of commodity, according to the needs, the twenty two million tons of onion is required in the country every year. However, onion production is 19 lakh 30 thousand tons this year . Deficit stands 2 lakh 70 thousand tons this time. But according to NBR data, the current fiscal year up to July 4 lakh 92 thousand tons of onions were imported. This figure tells that onion reserve is more than its demand; so why is increasing the price of this essential commodity?
Communist Party of Bangladesh, CPB Acting President Comrade Haider Akbar Khan Rono and General Secretary Comrade Syed Abu Zafar Ahmed in a statement protested the sudden abnormal growth of inflation.
They said the sudden abnormal increase price of onion made the helpless to the laboring poor, poor, middle class people. The price went out of reach to them, they added.They urged government to check the rise of price without making any delay.
Let us join the caravan of peace against violence, race of nuclear arms
By Shamsul Basunia
Military occupation is continuously jeopardizing peace and stability in the globe as the big countries along with the super powers like USA, Russia, Germany and China are yet ready to free those territories once they occupied. Tiny country, Israel took the opportunity of the big countries rivalry attitude and invaded the weaker neighbors vast territories. Presently, USA is controlling a part of Japan’s territory deploying its land and naval forces while Russia keeps its control over Abkhazia of Georgia, Crimea of Ukrainian, Israel is controlling Ramallah,East Jerusalem of Palestine, West Bank of Jordan, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights of Syria, and a vast part of Egyptian territories. When the slogans and voice raised across the country against the occupation, slavery and all sorts of stigma, the occupiers are not ready to hear the voice. They are yet, stop preparing war preparedness on the bank of the Korean peninsula, in the middle east, and on the valley of South East Asia where India and Pakistan are engaged in a nuclear war-words each day. And Myanmar is engaged to uproot the Muslim Rohingyas that becoming the painful scenario to the human kinds. Turkey once invaded Cyprus and from 1974, it ruled the vast areas of the occupied country. Morocco once occupied Western Sahara and from 1975, it is controlling the region. Azerbaijan invaded Armenians Artsvashen while Armenia occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, Yuxan Oskipara of Azerbaijan. Breaching all the norms of global peace and stability, once the super powers engaged to fight each other in FIRST WORLD WAR and for the next the universe also witnessed the SECOND WORLD WAR that gave the humans innumerable bodies and devastations after devastations to the world. Peace loving people became helpless to these warlords and war-monger countries, but their attitude yet changing. People from the bank of Atlantic, Pacific Ocean to Atractica and Indian Ocean are continuously crying for peace and safety in the world. Especially the humanist people under the banner of HUMANIST MOVEMENT began to march across the all corners of the globe that to be ended on November 26, 2015. October 2 is the international non-violence day and the humanist people celebrate the day with due respect and fervor. Meanwhile, several localities and townships and neighborhoods joined to these marches and the march is advancing towards the other areas of the world very soon. The experiences of battle, skirmish and war pushed the humans to indescribable miseries and woes that people yet carry on and it will continue until the day of final devastation. Once Allies occupied Libya in Second World War, Berlin,Austria, Iran while Greece occupied parts of Turkey in 1919, Pakistan invaded India in 1971, and India invaded Kashmir in 1948. Iraq occupied Kuwait in 1990, Israel invaded South Lebanon in 1982, India again invaded Maldives in 1988 while China invaded Vietnam in 1979, and Argentina embattled with England in 1982 that gave humans nothing but devastations and lives. Japan seems to be a peace loving country; but once this country invaded China’s Manchuria during the war of 1931. The country again invaded against China and occupied Shanghai in 1937 for the time-being. UK occupied Denmark that caused more pains to the people of both countries. Russia, seems to be clean, but once it invaded Georgia, Costa Rica, Iran, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Estonia, Latvia,Lithuania and renamed its name SOVIET UNION. In this way, if we walk more to explore the episodes of painful history of battles, we only find the sorrows and pathos across the whole humanity. Therefore, let us come forward to join the humanist movement to free the globe from race of war, nuclear warfare and destruction. We, all want peaceful and stable world to live in.
Military occupation is continuously jeopardizing peace and stability in the globe as the big countries along with the super powers like USA, Russia, Germany and China are yet ready to free those territories once they occupied. Tiny country, Israel took the opportunity of the big countries rivalry attitude and invaded the weaker neighbors vast territories. Presently, USA is controlling a part of Japan’s territory deploying its land and naval forces while Russia keeps its control over Abkhazia of Georgia, Crimea of Ukrainian, Israel is controlling Ramallah,East Jerusalem of Palestine, West Bank of Jordan, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights of Syria, and a vast part of Egyptian territories. When the slogans and voice raised across the country against the occupation, slavery and all sorts of stigma, the occupiers are not ready to hear the voice. They are yet, stop preparing war preparedness on the bank of the Korean peninsula, in the middle east, and on the valley of South East Asia where India and Pakistan are engaged in a nuclear war-words each day. And Myanmar is engaged to uproot the Muslim Rohingyas that becoming the painful scenario to the human kinds. Turkey once invaded Cyprus and from 1974, it ruled the vast areas of the occupied country. Morocco once occupied Western Sahara and from 1975, it is controlling the region. Azerbaijan invaded Armenians Artsvashen while Armenia occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, Yuxan Oskipara of Azerbaijan. Breaching all the norms of global peace and stability, once the super powers engaged to fight each other in FIRST WORLD WAR and for the next the universe also witnessed the SECOND WORLD WAR that gave the humans innumerable bodies and devastations after devastations to the world. Peace loving people became helpless to these warlords and war-monger countries, but their attitude yet changing. People from the bank of Atlantic, Pacific Ocean to Atractica and Indian Ocean are continuously crying for peace and safety in the world. Especially the humanist people under the banner of HUMANIST MOVEMENT began to march across the all corners of the globe that to be ended on November 26, 2015. October 2 is the international non-violence day and the humanist people celebrate the day with due respect and fervor. Meanwhile, several localities and townships and neighborhoods joined to these marches and the march is advancing towards the other areas of the world very soon. The experiences of battle, skirmish and war pushed the humans to indescribable miseries and woes that people yet carry on and it will continue until the day of final devastation. Once Allies occupied Libya in Second World War, Berlin,Austria, Iran while Greece occupied parts of Turkey in 1919, Pakistan invaded India in 1971, and India invaded Kashmir in 1948. Iraq occupied Kuwait in 1990, Israel invaded South Lebanon in 1982, India again invaded Maldives in 1988 while China invaded Vietnam in 1979, and Argentina embattled with England in 1982 that gave humans nothing but devastations and lives. Japan seems to be a peace loving country; but once this country invaded China’s Manchuria during the war of 1931. The country again invaded against China and occupied Shanghai in 1937 for the time-being. UK occupied Denmark that caused more pains to the people of both countries. Russia, seems to be clean, but once it invaded Georgia, Costa Rica, Iran, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Estonia, Latvia,Lithuania and renamed its name SOVIET UNION. In this way, if we walk more to explore the episodes of painful history of battles, we only find the sorrows and pathos across the whole humanity. Therefore, let us come forward to join the humanist movement to free the globe from race of war, nuclear warfare and destruction. We, all want peaceful and stable world to live in.
JSD was involved behind the killing of Bangabandhu, alleges Sheikh Selim
Awami League leader Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim said, it is JSD which had cleared the way for the killing of Bangabandhu, JSD activists were in liberation forces and they joined to both army and GANABAHINI, a armed wing of that political party. Anti Liberation forces could not hit on Bangabandhu ever, the people's militia, the opposition party JSD began to rob banks in different places, started killing people, and the MP’s. He said this at a seminar on the occasion of National Mourning Day arranged at Dhanmondi in the capital city recently. Selim said the party is a so-called party of liberation. What is scientific socialism, the revolution would they do? JSD workers were in Mujibabahini, in freedom fighters, so we need to find the mystery of the assassination of Bangabandhu, who else was involved. The context of the assassination of Bangabandhu, he said, it was not a coup. This led to the killing of stray soldiers and retired soldiers. When they took the weapons, then they should have been court martial. Sheikh Selim criticized former army chief KM Shafiullah why did not he come forward to resist killing of Bangabandhu. He was silent for what? Prime Minister died a half to two hours after the killing of Sheikh Kamal.
Why India-Pakistan bilatteral talks plunged?
On the agenda of talks, the nuclear power owned next door two neighbors India and Pakistan failed to reach to a point and the scheduled talk of foreign minister level meeting postponed. One side said talks should be held on all issues relating to the two countries. Other side said it should be limit only one issue how to curb the terrorism in and out of these two countries especially stopping terrorist infiltration in two countries.
The curtain came down by Saturday night while the message came from two sides that no side is ready to move from their own stances. On Saturday, Pakistan’s Foreign affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz said he would widen the areas of the talks and Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said it is impossible to widen the areas of the talks as terrorism is the only issue in these regions. Pakistan accused India for breaching discipline by opening fire on the international border line and India accused Pakistan is engaged to harboring the terrorists in its territories. He wished to meet the Kashmiri separatist Hurriyat leader during his visit, but Swaraj negated to do so that made Aziz imbalance in the way to talk.
Shimla treaty
Sushma said Pakistan’s decision to invite the Hurriyat leadership for a meeting is against the Shimla treaty that signed by the two sides during 1974. There is no probation to invite any third party to the bilateral talks. She set a time-schedule to give a clear assurance that Aziz will not include any other agenda than terrorism at the stipulated talk. Aziz gave the signal of denying the only one agenda
Pakistan accused India is interfering in Balochistan’s internal affairs. He claimed he has evidence in his hand to show the proof to India and the international community. The diplomats opined that before meeting bilateral talks, the two countries should restore trust as a first step towards normalization. The main agenda would be to reduce tensions amidst the two countries. Kashmir issue is an outstanding issue between the two sides. Once Bangladesh was the number one issue to two countries during the liberation war staged in 1971. Now is the Kashmir is the number one issue. Why does the India negate the issue?
Pakistan, therefore, reiterates that the scheduled talks cannot be held on the basis of the preconditions set by India, the diplomats argued.

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