Capital punishment for the rapists demanded everywhere in Bangladesh

Europe's Muslims feel heat of backlash after Paris terror attack

// Shamsul Basunia //

Firebombs and pig heads thrown into mosques. Veiled women
subjected to insults in the street. The internet awash
with threats against Muslims. Europe's Muslims
 are feeling the heat of a fierce backlash
 following last week's terror attack
against French satirical
newspaper Charlie

An official who keeps track of Islamophobic attacks
 in France said there were 60 incidents
— attacks and threats — in the
 six days since
that attack.

A climate of fear is taking hold in Europe, stoked
by rightist rhetoric equating the millions
of peaceful Muslims with the few
 plotting murder
and mayhem.

Abdallah Zekri, head of the National Observatory
 Against Islamophobia, said that since
last Wednesday's massacre at
Charlie Hebdo, 26 places
of worship around France
 were attacked by
firebombs, gunshots
 or pig heads,
with a mosque in
Le Mans hit with
four grenades.
There were 34
 insults and


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