Capital punishment for the rapists demanded everywhere in Bangladesh

Assad’s downfall is imminent

// Shamsul Basunia //

No sitting power lord could able to stay in power using his or her muscle keeping
 aside the popular support of the mass people. Assad governs less than
a third of the country, and has a small army and security
 apparatus. More than 12 million Syrians have
 been displaced, while five million
 have fled the country.
There is nothing left of the elements of a state.
 Assad stays among tombs, as he
 confronts thousands of rebels.
 On the practical level, as
 a ruler he exists only in
 the statements
of his allies.

In addition, it is untrue that Russian intervention in
Syria has granted Assad a chance to
 stay. The Russians are all he has
 left. He has unsuccessfully
used his security forces
and thugs.

Assad then resorted to the Lebanese party Hezbollah,
 which has extensive experience in militia
 warfare. That also failed. Then the
Iranians came to his aid but failed.
 Assad also resorted to Iraqi and
Afghani militias, without
achieving progress
on the ground.

Russia then got involved with its air force
and missiles, but the result has been
no better. This week, Russian
operations focused on
 Latakia, which until
recently was a safe
 zone for Assad.
 He is not worth
the price being
paid by his allies
 and the Syrian
people, and
contrary to
what he and
 his supporters
 think, there
is no hope
 of him

Even the Iranians, who are the most keen
 to keep Assad in power, are aware
of the impossibility of him
staying. However, they
 want to control the
course of negotiations
 and decide the fate
of future governance
 in Syria.

They want to assign another
Assad, a leader who will
follow their orders so
 they can dominate
a strategic geographic
 area from Iraq to
 Syria and Lebanon,
 and besiege

 the Gulf.

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