Capital punishment for the rapists demanded everywhere in Bangladesh

What bam fish indicates & what we should to do

Shamsul Basunia

Bam fish in South Asia is known as very nutritious food. It is as delicious as tasteful to Bengalese. Though Bam is usually found mingled within mud in river or lake waters. It is found abundantly countries like Bangladesh, West Bengal of India, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar. Bam is very neat and clean to look at. There is no sign of mud in it though it lives in mud. People in these countries are as like as the bam fish. They commit sins, offense or injustices randomly; but appear in the society as like as bam fish. Nobody can watch them as they are involved into sins & offenses.  Consequently, mass people think they are advanced portion of the humans living in the society. As a result, the most insincere, notorious and dishonest people can get opportunity to flourish themselves. Every sin and offense of them gradually change into as if virtues. Mass people is misguided and miss-led in this way and they become prey of derailment. The honest people like Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam always recommended the next generation to follow the footprint of the iconic personalities who earned name and fame with social or state status. We should nurture us on line of honesty and simplicity so that people of all classes can easily define what is right and what is wrong. Actually moral is the key point of every human and he or she should maintain him or her accordingly. Moral always remains seated on driving seat.



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