Premier Sheikh Hasina sells
rice a kg at taka 10 in Kurigram, a northern part of Bangladesh
Charge against Zakir Naik underway NGOs to be banned
August 28, 2016
sources revealed that the Indian home ministry has decided to charge Zakir Naik
under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act UAPA for speeches the
ministry and the Maharashtra government has allegedly found containing
extremist content.
government, while declaring the Islamic Research Foundation IRF an
‘unlawful’ organization, is set to slap terror charges on the
televangelist Zakir Naik, whose so-called hate speech was reported
to have inspired one of the five Dhaka cafe attackers.
primary ground for invoking terror charges against Naik are statements by those
involved in past terror acts, conceding that they were motivated by his
speeches, an intelligence officer said. Naik, who has been abroad since
the cafe attack rocked Bangladesh, has reportedly called off plans to return to
authorities in India have also decided to ban Naik’s NGO under the same law on
grounds of spreading hatred through his speeches. Once the ban is implemented,
IRF and its associate organizations across India, will be shut down.
Last month, the Bangladesh government banned Naik’s channel Peace
TV. The decision to ban Peace
TV Bangla was taken during a special meeting of Cabinet
Committee on Law and Order, according to Industry Minister Aamir Hossain Amu,
who chaired the meeting.
It was also decided to monitor sermons
given during the Friday prayers to check if any provocative lectures are
delivered, Amu said. The Bangladesh government also urged imams in the
country to deliver sermons condemning terrorism and extremism, the
minister added.
Naik said, he did not support
terrorism or violence in any form whatsoever. He had never supported
any terrorist organizations and had mentioned this over and over again in
thousands of his public talks worldwide. He strongly condemned anyone taking his
statements out of context and using it for violence of any form, the
televangelist said.
Tourists are of afraid on rise of terrorist attack in Dhaka
Tourism sector in Bangladesh, after rise of series
terrorist attacks, is now facing a great disastrous situation that never ever
has seen in this field in recent years. Coming trend of tourists has already
been declined that caused financial loss to the stalk holders those who
involved in this business.
Analysts opined that on last July, a terrorist
attack in Holy Artisan Restaurant was carried on by the local terrorist group
that left dead 20 inmates including 17 foreign personnel. According to the Tour
Operators Association of Bangladesh nearly 10 thousand tourist and foreign
guests already have been cancelled at this incident in last two months fearing
lack of security in Dhaka they considering. Managing Director Toufiqe Uddin
Ahmed to the Association commented the pale face in this sector due to the
terror attacks before and after the attack on Holy Artisan Restaurant, the
situation came to the surface actually seemed to us horrible.
Bangladesh government tried to quell the tense
situation and arrested the suspect masterminds and militants those who involved
in this terror connection. But the government seemed to fail giving security to
those who are foreign personnel doing jobs and travelling the country each and
every day. Seeing the latest development, USA, UK and Australia issued
cautionary alert to the travelling people who intend to travel to this country
so that they might not fall into untoward situation.
Toufique Uddin Ahmed said tourists are now on the
mood of cancelling their own bookings in hotels, motels and restaurants out of
fear possible more attacks and rescheduled their next destinations. In this
critical juncture, the readymade garments, the hotel and tourist trade as a
whole fall into disastrous situation. Traders are facing loss everyday and fail
to return trust to the touring people in this sector.
Premier Sheikh Hasina once announced the year 2016
as the year of tourism development and now it is threatened by the terrorists;
and the government took it as a challenge. At any cost the government will face
the terror attacks and uproot the terrorism and militancy in the soil of
Bangladesh. Motivational campaigns against the terror activities across the
country are going on in full swing. Political parties, socio-cultural
organizations even the educational institutions have joined to the mega campaign.
What is next nobody can anticipate over the incoming
days in Bangladesh. Meanwhile, scheduled international conferences on trade
bodies on August 12, 13 have been shifted to other countries from Dhaka showing
only the security reason. The concerned persons opined there lies over 60
hotels, motels and restaurants in Banani, Gulshan and Baridhara areas, which
are counting loss each and every day. Khaledur Rahman Sony, managing director
of Golden Tulip Grand Mark says booking is going down alarmingly; tourists and
foreign people are cancelling their bookings that cause great loss to our
Hotel Lake
Shore’s deputy managing director Sharif Mollah says thirty percent foreign
retailers doing business here in Dhaka, already have been cancelled their
respective occupied accommodations and a handful number of the people are now
residing in the hotels, motels and restaurants for doing their commercial ends.
BGMEA, a readymade garments body vice president
Mohammad Nasir says the clients are now favoring to third countries to do
business instead of doing business in Bangladesh. “We are striving to make them
return but all strive goes in the vain while the terror attacks not stopped.”
American Camping Culture
Camping Culture is a special sort of culture which ever emerges across the
world. In 1861, an US citizen named Frederick Gunn founded a camp at his boy’s
school ground at Connecticut in United States of America. Children and
adolescents who attend camp are known as campers. This is not to be confused
with summer school, which is usually a required academic curriculum for a
student to make up work not accomplished during the academic year, whereas
summer camps can include academic work, but is not a requirement for
Over 200 years, the camping culture has been flourishing in USA and over several times, it has been changed its roots to the highest order. In primitive ages, camping culture was nurturing in summer seasons.
Over 200 years, the camping culture has been flourishing in USA and over several times, it has been changed its roots to the highest order. In primitive ages, camping culture was nurturing in summer seasons.
Its spreading goes on
In 2006, the
American Camp Association reported that 75 percent of camps added new programs.
This is largely to counter a trend in decreasing enrollment in summer camps,
which some argue to have been brought about by smaller family sizes and the
growth in supplemental educational programs.
There are also religiously affiliated summer camps, such as those run by Christian groups and various denominations of Judaism. Today, the Camp Culture has spread across the all countries. People especially the young people take it hilariously for fitting them smarter, healthier and productive to the nation.
Once American popular culture publications celebrated recreational vehicle travel, and recreational vehicle manufacturing matured into a dynamic, billion-dollar industry that gradually changed into camp culture. It generated camp life to the Americans. In the age of 1890-1960, the culture actually flourished in and outside, especially the surroundings of United Sates. It revealed the relationship between technology and its social and cultural context by experimenting the ways in which changing ideas and attitudes about camp vehicles and leisure camping shaped recreational vehicle technology. After gradual change and reform, recreational camping turned into recreational vehicle technology.
There are also religiously affiliated summer camps, such as those run by Christian groups and various denominations of Judaism. Today, the Camp Culture has spread across the all countries. People especially the young people take it hilariously for fitting them smarter, healthier and productive to the nation.
Once American popular culture publications celebrated recreational vehicle travel, and recreational vehicle manufacturing matured into a dynamic, billion-dollar industry that gradually changed into camp culture. It generated camp life to the Americans. In the age of 1890-1960, the culture actually flourished in and outside, especially the surroundings of United Sates. It revealed the relationship between technology and its social and cultural context by experimenting the ways in which changing ideas and attitudes about camp vehicles and leisure camping shaped recreational vehicle technology. After gradual change and reform, recreational camping turned into recreational vehicle technology.
It makes the Americans more active
This study
recounts the roots of recreational camping and America's relation to the
pastoral landscape to show that as "the art of camping" became more
popular, and accessible, equipment manufacturers and suppliers worked to
advance new ideas in camping goods. Accompanying the dramatic growth in auto
camping, manufacturers and suppliers expanded to meet the needs of a growing
commercial market. The role of select engineers and modern designers in
establishing the trailer coach industry and advancing new ideas are discussed
as well as the role of aircraft technology, aeronautical engineering, and
technological transfer. Americans used a variety of recreational vehicles and
camping equipment to fulfill their auto camping needs. New designs and
materials, sometimes borrowed from railroad, automobile, and aircraft
manufacturing, reflected the desires of users and the efforts of businesses in
meeting those changing needs.
It gradually includes more items
It gradually includes more items
What began
with a few manufacturers supplying tents and camp paraphernalia, within fifty
years developed into a dynamic industry producing an array of products for a
diverse American market including tent-trailers, auto-conversions, trailer
coaches, fifth-wheel trailers, truck campers, and motor homes? This study
documents those changes.
A pioneer
Ernest Balch or Frederick Gunn would have approved of Bill Murray's counseling
methods as Tripper Harrison, Camp North Star's head counselor in Meatballs. But
today, the typical American consumer is much more likely to see a summer camp
depicted as crazy or scary than as a positive place for personal growth and
character development. How did this happen? As the American Camp Association
celebrates its centennial and camp celebrates 150 years, it's a great time to
reflect, with a grain of salt, on how perceptions of our industry have changed
since the nineteenth century.
Prior to World War I, most popular culture discussions of summer camp were in either magazine for adults or books aimed at teenagers. One of earliest was Alfred Balch's 1893 recollection in McClure's Magazine of his brother Ernest's pioneering camp, which operated from 1881–1889 in New Hampshire.
The story of Camp Chicora, of the healthy, open-air life, of the high standards so rigidly lived up to, of the fun they had, of the work they did, and of the lessons in manliness they so unconsciously learned, is really written in the memories of the boys who, during those nine summers, spent their time on that little island.
Optimistic view of the camping movement
Prior to World War I, most popular culture discussions of summer camp were in either magazine for adults or books aimed at teenagers. One of earliest was Alfred Balch's 1893 recollection in McClure's Magazine of his brother Ernest's pioneering camp, which operated from 1881–1889 in New Hampshire.
The story of Camp Chicora, of the healthy, open-air life, of the high standards so rigidly lived up to, of the fun they had, of the work they did, and of the lessons in manliness they so unconsciously learned, is really written in the memories of the boys who, during those nine summers, spent their time on that little island.
Optimistic view of the camping movement
confident and optimistic view of the camping movement was echoed again and
again at the turn of the twentieth century with enthusiastic descriptions of
tan campers throwing off the evils of city life. Carlyle Ellis, writing in
Everybody's Magazine in 1913 is not shy in summing up his view of the camp
experience, calling it ’the nearest thing to a perfect system of education in
existence,’ and noting that the ‘chief work of the summer camp is to save
children from their parents.’ In the monthly magazine The World's Work,
educator and camp director Dr. Winthrop Tisdale Talbot (1905) passionately
promotes the effect of camp on boys, writing, ‘In camp, poor and rich lads
stripped to their swimming trunks are on an absolute equality; the best man
wins. Courage, generosity, goodwill, honesty are the touchstones of success in
It boosted Scouting
It boosted Scouting
The most
common fictional accounts of camp were in book series aimed at teen girls and
boys. For girls, numerous accounts of the Camp Fire Girls were published in
novels after 1912. Many of the books described girls' experiences at summer
camp. The founders of Camp Fire Girls of America (now Campfire USA), Luther and
Charlotte Gluck, were from a family that founded several camps that exist to
this day. Boys had pulp novels such as the High School Boys in Summer Camp,
featuring athlete and hero Dick Prescott. While Dick and his pals don't go to
an organized camp, their adventures camping and saving their town from
small-time thugs were likely enough to encourage teen boys to try a residential
camp. And it must have helped young master Prescott, because in later novels he
goes on to West Point, fights on the Western Front, and then saves America when
the Germans invade the East Coast.
In 1918, the Girl Scouts created what might be one of the earliest surviving film depictions of summer camp. The Story of a Girl Scout, the silent film follows a girl to a camp with her troop. Exciting moments include watching the girls tie knots, wash-up in the morning, and learn semaphore in long skirts. It's a far cry from today's slick DVD promotions for sure, but the film depicts the young Girl Scout organization as a positive and organized option for girls of the day.
How it became a popular culture
In 1918, the Girl Scouts created what might be one of the earliest surviving film depictions of summer camp. The Story of a Girl Scout, the silent film follows a girl to a camp with her troop. Exciting moments include watching the girls tie knots, wash-up in the morning, and learn semaphore in long skirts. It's a far cry from today's slick DVD promotions for sure, but the film depicts the young Girl Scout organization as a positive and organized option for girls of the day.
How it became a popular culture
A revolution
in how camps are portrayed in popular culture began in 1961. In that year, we
see two very different depictions of summer camp. First, there was the classic
Disney movie The Parent Trap, starring Hayley Mills as twin sisters separated
as babies and reunited by accident at summer camp. The film is an adoption of a
1949 German novel, Das doppelte Lottchen, or The Double Lottie, which has been
made into films in the UK, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Iran, and India (five
times), along with several American versions. In The Parent Trap, we still see
a respectful depiction of a summer camp. Sure, the camp leadership is a bit
comical, but the camp runs well and the campers are disciplined and expected to
follow rules.
But in the
same year as the sugary Parent Trap came publication of William Butler's novel
The Butterfly Revolution (1961). Echoing Lord of the Flies, campers at a boys'
camp take over their camp and the nearby girls' camp and impose a totalitarian
regime. Rebellion by campers would become a recurring theme in movies from this
point on. In one of the last pages of the novel, Winston, the boy that tells
the story through diary entries, states: I know one thing, though. I will never
go to summer camp again. Never! This negative view of camp is a complete
reversal from the prevailing theme of nearly all popular depictions that came
before it and can be considered the first of two important events that changed
the role of camps in popular culture.
What a novelty
What a novelty
The second
came in 1963 with the release of the third album by former game-show producer
Allan Sherman. My Son, the Nut contained the song Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh, a
novelty song about a boy at a horrible summer camp. The song reached number two
on the Billboard charts for three weeks in the summer of 1963. Despite an
upbeat ending, never again would the public see camp as the utopia it was often
portrayed as in the first half of the century. A second version with different
lyrics was performed by Sherman in 1964 on The Tonight Show, and then a board
game called Camp Granada was released by Milton Bradley in 1965. In the game,
players had to drive a broken-down bus in an attempt to be the first to escape
a rotten summer camp. Not exactly LIFE Magazine.
Adaption to the camp way typically goes well; camp professionals are adept at orchestrating it. But that may not be the case in the health center, an area of camp where culture-bound beliefs can be extremely impactful. Indeed, culture bound beliefs color all aspects of camp, but the focus here is on those associated with health services.
What do you routinely do to keep yourself healthy? For example, how often do you bathe/shower? What do you eat, how much, and when? Do you avoid drafts? Do you strike a balance between exercise and rest?
When you get sick, what do you eat and drink?
Adaption to the camp way typically goes well; camp professionals are adept at orchestrating it. But that may not be the case in the health center, an area of camp where culture-bound beliefs can be extremely impactful. Indeed, culture bound beliefs color all aspects of camp, but the focus here is on those associated with health services.
What do you routinely do to keep yourself healthy? For example, how often do you bathe/shower? What do you eat, how much, and when? Do you avoid drafts? Do you strike a balance between exercise and rest?
When you get sick, what do you eat and drink?
When you get
sick, what do you eat and drink? At what point are you “too sick” to go to
work/school? Who makes that decision? How do you express pain — by crying,
moaning, quiet withdrawal? Do kids express pain differently than adults? Does
your gender or sex make a difference to these things?
These are examples of how acculturation influences health and the expression of it. Our campers and staff typically learn these expressions in their home environments, most often under the tutelage of that esteemed sage called ‘Mom’. Their health practice- as and beliefs come to camp with them.
These are examples of how acculturation influences health and the expression of it. Our campers and staff typically learn these expressions in their home environments, most often under the tutelage of that esteemed sage called ‘Mom’. Their health practice- as and beliefs come to camp with them.
When feeling good and in the
perceived ‘safe space’ of camp
When feeling good and in the perceived ‘safe
space’ of camp, it is easy to enjoy. But all it takes is for someone to get ill
or injured and the personal health beliefs come roaring into play. For example,
an international counselor got admitted to the health center because of flulike
symptoms. The nurse brought a classic ‘sick person’ breakfast the next morning:
dry toast and some ginger ale. No way would the counselor eat that: ‘It’ll make
me throw up!’ He wanted a bowl in which there was an apple that had been grated
and allowed to turn brown. That’s ‘sick food’ in his country.
Children are at risk of identity theft
// Shamsul Basunia //
are now a day, at risk of identity theft. In fact Kids, even toddlers and
infants are becoming prey to the snatchers and thieves. Especially, the
militancy and terrorism are increasing day by day and its bad impact falls onto
the babies largely. Identity theft is a much more horrifying incident in the
world that mars all the privacy of a person making him or her a street beggar
even worse than that.
How can we protect ourselves against identity theft? What did make us alert
from identity theft?
Effective Awareness needed
Effective Awareness needed
awareness may enlighten the humans especially the parents and the other
relatives. It may play pivotal role to
protect the preservation the identity correctly. Checking stealing information
in this and that way can be saved in this way. The illegal use of someone
else’s identifying information such as social security number in order to get
money or credit card is only can be protected.
Parents are to be
parents need to know child identity theft following these tips: -- What exactly
is child identity theft? Why do the thieves target children? Who steals a
child’s identity? Is it true that children sometimes have their identities
stolen by parents or other relatives? How do terrorists and militants use a
child’s identity?
Preventive measures
other areas prevention is better solution to avoid falling any hazard in this
respect. We should always keep our laptop physically with us when we travel through
any transportation. As with any computer, never discard a laptop unless we have
wiped the hard drive clean of all personal and business information. We should
ensure all data on our laptop is password protected. If any untoward situation
arises, we should come forward to report to the police immediately. If laptop
or anything is stolen, we should inform this to the nearby police station for
rapid remedy.
should come forward to back up the information on his or her laptop regularly
and keep the backup information in a secure location.
know the children the day-to-day use luggage is essential. Practicing them this
routine is another important matter by pleasing style.
Child identity theft
occurs at any moment
should not be puzzled at whatever incidence occurs at when and where it is. As
child age, they are given more and more responsibility to pack bags on their
own. School bags, sports bags and overnight bags are just a few examples of
what children pack every day. Have our children ever returned home to notify us
that he or she has left a bag at school or a sports field, or at a friend’s
What is inside that bag that may put our
children’s identity at risk? Parents need to be involved in the packing process
with their children. They only can ensure pack identity sensitive information
in their bag or suitcase. Items such as child’s passport should not be taken
unless it is necessary for travel out of the country.
During travel what to
travel, kids personal information should be remain with a responsible adult.
Identity, documents, cash and sensitive documents must be kept close and
account for all times. Checks should be done by parents or adult relatives at
intervals to assure that all items are accounted for.
From the time we get in cab or park our car,
our personal items become subject to be theft. All an identity thief has to say
is that it looks exactly like their bag or item, and apologize for the error
for picking up the bag.
Best defense to do
best defense is to make our items stand out regardless of how common the piece
of luggage is. The bright color ribbon on the handle, use colored duct tape to
mark the bag, sew a large patch on the bag to see it apart. These are the just
security recommendations that will also
allow our child to use his or her creativity or personalize a school or
travel bag. We should use our imagination to change our bags appearance.
Personalizing luggage items discourages criminals who are ‘on the fence’ about
constant physical contact is essential to check the evil-doers. If we become
indifferent to the materials what we have, they will be stolen causing the
pains to us.
in hotel room is other important point to look into. If the parents become busy
with other matters, the essential security materials will be lost and the
pleasure what so far exists, will be faded away in a moment.
a word, the term ‘theft’ covers a wide range of illegal activities, including
embezzlement and false presences. It should be avoided if we all the elder
relatives including the parents become alert in this regard. ##
65 Bangladeshi trafficking victims detained in Malaysia
// Shamsul Basunia //
Hundreds including 65 Bangladeshi nationals remain
detained in Malaysia after being rescued from near death at sea during the
Asian migration crisis.In total, 390 trafficking victims – 325 Rohingya and 65
Bangladeshis – have spent the past year in detention, despite nominally being
freed from captivity in May 2015, in research Amnesty will be publishing in the
coming weeks.
Their plight drew the world’s attention this time last
year after it was discovered that they had been abandoned by their traffickers
and left to drift at sea on packed trawlers without any food.
Initially, the countries of south-east Asia mostly
refused to rescue them, and they survived on food provided by fishermen in the
Following an international outcry, Indonesia and Malaysia
took in about 2,900 people, mostly Rohingya and Bangladeshis. Several thousand
are believed to have been left at sea.
Of the 1,100 brought to Malaysia, around 50 Rohingya have
been provided with the opportunity to be resettled internationally, and 670
Bangladeshis were sent back home. But nearly 400 remain jailed in Belantik, a
Malaysian detention centre, in what former inmates describe as squalid
Cyclone Roanu claims 24 lives in Bangladesh
Roanu claims 24 lives in seven Bangladesh districts
No military funds for Pakistan without specific actions, says US
Pakistan is going to be cornered militarily as United States squeezed the supply of arms to the country.
Delhi nuclearized Indian Ocean stealthily; Pakistan expressed grave concern
Shamsul Basunia //
India nuclearized its ocean and destabilized
the South Asian’s weaponry balance. India confirmed it in April, 2016 tested
the K-4 missile, which can be launched by a submarine and carry a nuclear
warhead up to 3,500 kilometres away. The confirmation came after secret tests
were done in March in the Indian Ocean.
Alarmed at India’s naval nuclear
ambitions, Islamabad has taken up New Delhi’s recent test of a
submarine-launched, nuclear-capable ballistic missile with its arch rival, amid
fears the move has serious implications for strategic stability in South Asia.
The move not only raised tense in
Pakistan and surrounding countries but also caused concerns as India did not
give prior notification to Islamabad or any other country as part of the
broader understanding existing between the parties
This is a serious development. Since
1988 both countries Pakistan and India formally or informally inform each other
about such missile tests but this time India chose otherwise, said a senior
Foreign Office official while requesting anonymity.
Pakistan and
India signed a landmark agreement in 2005 on the pre-notification of ballistic
missile tests in order to prevent misunderstanding and misinterpretations, and
promote a stable environment of peace and security between the two countries.
The official said Pakistan had raised
the issue with Indian authorities through diplomatic channels to explain as to
why New Delhi this time ignored this understanding.
affairs expert Dr Ishtiaq Ahmed said the ‘nuclearisation of Indian Ocean’ will
certainly alter the ‘strategic balance’ in this part of the region.
This all
happened at a time Pakistan and India have been struggling to resume the
structured dialogue following the attack on the Pathankot airbase in January.
Although, foreign secretaries of the two countries met in New Delhi at the
sidelines of a conference on Afghanistan, the two sides could not agree on the
formal start of comprehensive bilateral dialogue.
IS militants now, preparing to conduct jihadist activities in India & Myanmar
// Shamsul Basunia//
Due to the strategic location’s facilities of the stronghold of
militant group Islamic State (IS), the group decided to operate jihadist
activities in India and Myanmar by utilizing the soil of Bangladesh. So-called
Bangladesh chapter chief Sheikh Abu-Ibrahim al-Hanif in an interview said this
and the interview published the version in its magazine’s 14th
edition which published on Wednesday.
In long interview, he pointed out that many atheists are now
loitering out of afraid of Mujaheeden attack. For atheists, his fighters are
sharpening the knives to cut the throats. Replying a question on JAMAAT, the
chief commented that the party leaders are now engaged to deceive its innocent
followers by saying sweet words.
While they going to build a base in Bangladesh, the chief added
that Bangladesh is a convenient country to conduct wage against India and
Myanmar. The aim of jihad is to take revenge of Muslim killings in these two
countries, he pointed out.
To analyze the strategic position, Abu-Ibrahim al-Hanif said in
the west, Pakistan and Afghanistan front the IS groups have already completed
their preparation to wage war. In East, the group of Bangladesh is now
preparing to complete its final preparations.
Injustice and forcible done coal-fired power Plant ignite agitation in Chittagong Leaving 4 people dead
// Shamsul Basunia //
In Chittagong Basnskhali under Bangladesh, the protestors along with the agitators faced bloody clashes with supporters of coal-fired power plant that left over 4 people dead and 19 others wounded. 11 policemen were also wounded to the incident that occurred at afternoon on Monday, April 4, 2016.
Additional Superintendent of Police (South) Habibur Rahman said four men
identified as Mortuja Ali, Anwar Hossain alias Ankur Ali, Jakir Ahmed, and Md
Jaker. The injured policemen included Banshkhali police OC Swapan Kumar
Majumder.Rahman said, Police were attacked when they tried to disperse the
warring groups. They opened fire in self-defense.
Northeastern states are unable to import the full load of 10-gigabyte per-second bandwidth from Bangladesh
// Shamsul Basunia //
India's northeastern states are unable to import the
full load of 10-gigabit per-second bandwidth from Bangladesh under a deal due
to their infrastructural constraints. They are taking only 3GBPS now, to start
with. According to Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited, India does not
have the capacity to import and use the 10 Gbps for now as per the deal. In a
prelude to the formal opening, Bangladesh, on February 8, unofficially began
bandwidth export to India through the Akhaura-Agartala border. The state-owned
company had signed a deal with the Indian state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam
Limited on June 6 last year for exporting bandwidth during the Indian prime
minister's visit to Bangladesh.
According to the agreement, Bharat Sanchar Nigam
Limited (BSNL) decided to import 10 Gbps of bandwidth for Tripura state from
September last year, but the export timing had been fixed for August. Later,
both parties missed the deadline. According to the agreement, the volume of
bandwidth will be shared with other northeastern states of India. The submarine
cable company will get the payments at the beginning of each quarter while
Bangladesh will earn Tk 96 million a year by exporting bandwidth to India.
BSCCL is exporting bandwidth at $10 per Mbp. India can increase the volume of
bandwidth up to 40Gbps gradually, as per agreement.
Construction of coal-fired power plants in Bangladesh slows its economical activities
// Shamsul Basunia //
For the construction of coal-fired power plant, one
contract after another is being signed in Bangladesh but gained no momentum. 24
power plants have been signed so far. The plant production capacity stands to 21thousand
785 megawatts. But there is no guarantee to produce energy as the coal
extraction, the main source of extraction is yet planned.
There are over half of the electricity production
plan is to set up coal-fired power plants. There are plans to produce 40
thousand megawatts by 2030. From coal-fired power plants, it would be produced
the half of the total production.
In fact, government succeeded to build a successful
gas and liquid fuel plant over last seven years, but failed to build a single
coal-fired power plant in the country. 230 MW coal-fired power plants in Barapukuria
do not meet the demand of the production.
By this time the treaties have been signed to
install 24 coal-based power plants in different regions. The power production
would be increased to 21 thousand and 785 megawatts if the said plants
Government succeeded in generating fuel–depended gas
and fuel oil but it is feared to import electricity from neighboring countries.
However, the authority plans to build coal-fired power plants with concerned
efforts to produce more industries.
Analysts said that government has identified as incompetency
in building the rentals, quick-rental or gas plant. As a result, the government
faces challenge in implementing the project.
Experts in the sector opined the government signed a
contract to build coal-fired power plants but could not fix the source of the
coal. The complexity of the local coal mining is going on. Different opinions
differed differently. The Prime Minister herself said, the future of the
country's own coal for fuel will be retained. The import of electricity from
coal production is planned to be imported from any country, but the government
could not decide yet. Will it be imported mainly from Indonesia, Australia or
India? However, virtually no communication yet established to any country.
Energy expert Shamsul Alam said the implementation
of coal-fired power plant is really a big challenge for the government.
Power, Energy and Mineral Resources state Minister Nasrul
Hamid said power is going to run out soon. It is expensive to acquire liquid
fuels. As a result, there are no alternative coal-fired power plants to provide
electricity to people at an affordable price. ##
Widows are thrown out of their houses in India
// Shamsul Basunia//
Self-immolation, sati, on a husband's pyre may have been banned
in India, but life for many widows in India is still disheartening as they are
shunned by their communities and abandoned by their families.
"I used to wash dishes and
clothes in people's house to earn money, but the moment they heard that I am a
widow, I was thrown out without any notice," said 85-year-old Manu
Ghosh, living in Vrindavan, a city in the Northern Indian
state of Uttar Pradesh.
Vrindavan is home to more than
20,000 widows, and over the years, many shelters for widows run by the
government, private enterprises and NGOs have mushroomed in the city. The city,
which is considered holy by Hindus, has become known as the 'City of
"I had to sleep on the
street as even my family abandoned me after my husband's death. I was married
off to him when I was 11 years old and he was 40.
"My daughter died of
malnutrition as I could not give her food since nobody wanted to help a widow.
"After her death, I
decided to come to Vrindavan. A woman should die before her husband's death so
that she doesn't have to live through hell like this," Gosh says.
The women often live in acute
poverty and are ostracized by society due to various superstitions - even the
shadow of a widow can wreak havoc and bring bad luck, people believe. Lack of
education and any source of income forces them to beg on streets and many turn
to prostitution for survival.
"My children threw me out
of the house after my husband died," says Manuka
Dasi. "I try to earn money by singing devotional songs in
temple and manage to get one meal for the day. I am just waiting to die so that
I can be out of this life of misery."
'I'm changing': Donald Trump casually announces policy flip-flop at debate
At the Thursday-night US presidential debate, Donald Trump simply said that he was "changing" his position on H1B visas when he was confronted by his diverging statements on the issue.
Tigers beat Pakistan by 5 wickets
Moment Of Bangladesh Against Pakistan | Bangladesh Reach Asia Cup 2016 Final
৮০ ভাগ হার্ট অ্যাটাক প্রতিরোধে ৭ পদক্ষপে
১. স্বাস্থ্যকর খাদ্যাভ্যাস
হার্ট অ্যাটাক প্রতিরোধ করতে হৃৎপিণ্ডের জন্য যেসব খাদ্য ভালো, সেগুলো খাদ্যতালিকায় রাখা প্রয়োজন। এ জন্য খেতে হবে উচ্চ পরিমাণ আঁশজাতীয় খাবার চর্বি জার্তীয় খাবার খাওয়া কমিয়ে দিতে হবে। এ ছাড়া ভিটামিন ও মিনারেল গ্রহণের পরিমাণের দিকেও খেয়াল রাখতে হবে। এগুলো শুধু হার্ট নয়, সারা শরীরকে ভালো রাখতে সাহায্য করবে।
সবজি, প্রোটিন (তবে লাল মাংস এড়িয়ে, স্বাস্থ্যকর চর্বি যেমন : বাদাম ইত্যাদি খতেে হবে। এড়াতে হবে প্রক্রিয়াজাত খাবার, এতে হৃৎপিণ্ডের স্বাস্থ্য ভালো থাকবে।
২. মদ্যপান এড়ানো
মদ্যপান করা হার্টের স্বাস্থ্যকে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত করে। ঝুঁকি বাড়িয়ে দেয় হার্ট অ্যাটাকের। মদ্যপান উচ্চ রক্তচাপ তৈরি করে । তাই হৃৎপিণ্ডেরে স্বাস্থ্যকে ভালো রাখতে মদ্যপান কমিয়ে দেওয়া জরুরী।
৩. ধূমপান
ধূমপান করা হার্ট এর জন্য ক্ষতিকর। এটি ফুসফুসকে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত কর, সিওপডি রোগের ঝুঁকি বাড়ায়। তাই র্হাটকে সুরক্ষতি রাখতে ধূমপান ছেড়ে দেওয়া জরুরী।
৪. পেটের মেদ
পেটের মেদও কিন্তু হার্ট অ্যাটাক এর সমান ঝুঁকিসম্পন্ন্।
৫. শারীরিক পরশ্রিম
ব্যায়াম করা, শারীরিক পরিশ্রম করা হার্টের স্বাস্থ্যকে ভালো রাখে। গবেষণায় বলা হয়, নিয়মিত ব্যায়াম করলে হার্টের স্বাস্থ্য ভালো থাকবে। এ জন্য প্রতিদিন ৪০ মিনিট হাঁটা অথবা সাইকেল চালানো যেতে পারে।
৬. মানসকি চাপ নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখা
সাময়িক মানসিক চাপ অথবা দীর্ঘ মেয়াদি মানসিক চাপ উভয়ই হৃৎপিণ্ডের স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য ক্ষতিকর। হার্ট অ্যাটাক ও স্ট্রোকের সঙ্গে মানসিক চাপের সর্ম্পক রয়েছে। তাই মানসিক চাপ নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখার উপায় শেখা উচিত। ধ্যান, যোগব্যায়াম, শ্বাস-প্রশ্বাসের ব্যায়াম, ইতিবাচক দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি এগুলো মানসিক চাপ নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখতে সাহায্য করে।
৭. নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখুন ডায়াবেটিস ও উচ্চ রক্তচাপ
গবেষণায় বলা হয়, যাঁদের ডায়াবেটিস রয়েছে, তাঁদের হার্ট অ্যাটাকের ঝুঁকি বেশি থাকে। আপনি যদি ডায়াবেটিসে আক্রান্ত হোন, তাহলে রক্তের সুগার নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখার চেষ্টা করুন।
এ ছাড়া উচ্চ রক্তচাপ, ক্ষতকির কোলস্টেরলের মাত্রা বৃদ্ধি, ওজন বৃদ্ধি, শারীরিক পরিশ্রমের অভাব এগুলো হার্ট অ্যাটাকের ঝুঁকি বাড়িয়ে দেয়। তাই হৃৎপিণ্ডের স্বাস্থ্যকে ভালো রাখতে এবং হার্ট অ্যাটাকের ঝুঁকি কমাতে এগুলো যেন না হয়, সেদিকেও খেয়াল রাখুন।
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