China blamed United States for being behind the pro-democracy protests that are unsettling Hong Kong. Involvement in Hong Kong protests as part of a US strategy to undermine foreign governments in name of promoting democracy, says an US organization devoted to “growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world”.
While direct involvement by external forces devoted to apparent democratic ideals in the Hong Kong protests can be doubted, there is on the other hand no doubt that such proponents are rubbing their hands with glee at what’s in cooking in Hong Kong.
Conspiracy writings abound these days and the list of USA supported intrigues that have toppled entire governments – Iran – and that have set the scene for the murder of left-leaning socialists like Chile’s Salvador Allende, are being widely propagated.
Plus, the lies about Iraq and WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and its al quaeda links, are well known today and accepted as fact. How could it be otherwise when the controlled media is thwarted by social media?
People listen to conspiracy theories in part because government’s and big corporations withhold information from the public. Their spokes-persons use double-speak, clinches, and formalities. Not only is trust broken but the general public when able to break free of all the hypnotic entertainment to study hot topics, find them bewildered on seeing that the experts themselves are at odds with their contrary opinions.
Thus we have such seemingly wild accusations of the USA funding Hong Kong’s democracy movement but its true, its usual business and not extraordinary at all.
The funds flowing into the Hong Kong democracy movement is normal in the sense that it’s always the case; supporters of different factions will offer funding according to their likes. Their ‘likes’ of course dictated by their aims, or a more sinister term, agenda.
The danger is that the younger protesters who have legitimacy by the very fact of their youthfulness and who should be camped out on the street can see their best intentions confounded by those core group Occupy Central figures who should know better – either that or the Bennie Tai’s et al really do have a bad agenda.
What are they doing? Where is the plan? Don’t they accept that Hong Kong is part of China and China is run as a authoritarian state under the Communist Party making the country a single party run affair far away from the chaos of real democracy? The way China is run is not the best option many will say but that’s the situation and circumstance that has to be dealt with.
China can be likened to a huge flywheel and it’s in motion. The brake can only be applied incrementally. That can be done though, and some suggestions being put forward are workable and may well resonate with Mr Xi and his colleagues. China is not an immoveable object.
Originally, Communism had a cross planet intention given that it’s no good leaving people outside the system, but the same can be said of democracy. It makes sense that everyone could better belong to the same system at least that is true with a superficial look. But projecting that into a future, at its limit lies world government, world military, one world currency, one set of measures – the longer the list gets the worse that scenario looks. That’s because the opposite is true, no to uniformity, no to standardization, no to centralization – in reality that is the Flattened Earth Society.
--- written by Shamsul Basunia